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Introducing GPTSwift - A Swift Wrapper for the OpenAI API

GPTSwift is a lightweight and easy-to-use wrapper for the OpenAI API, entirely written in Swift. I've been working on this since the API has come out and the recently released version 3.0.0 streamlines a lot of the API to make it easier than ever to use, while still giving you full control over the API endpoints.
import ChatGPTlet chatGPT = ChatGPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", defaultModel: .gpt3)let answer = try await chatGPT.ask("What is the answer to life, the universe and everything in it?")// Stream the answer token by tokenvar streamedAnswer = ""for try await nextWord in try await chatGPT.streamedAnswer.ask("Tell me a story about birds") { streamedAnswer += nextWord}
GPTSwift supports iOS 15+, macOS 12+, watchOS 8+ and tvOS 15+.
The package is installed through the Swift Package Manager. Simply add the following line to your Package.swift
.package(url: "https://github.com/SwiftedMind/GPTSwift", from: "3.0.0")
Alternatively, if you want to add the package to an Xcode project, go to File
> Add Packages...
and enter the URL http://github.com/SwiftedMind/GPTSwift
into the search field at the top. GPTSwift should appear in the list. Select it and click "Add Package" in the bottom right.
GPTSwift is just a lightweight wrapper around the API that abstracts away all the unnecessary details of calling endpoints and handling requests and responses.
The ChatGPT
target gives you access to the ChatGPT API (including the GPT4 models).
The easiest way of using ChatGPT
is by simply passing in a prompt string or an array of chat messages via the ask(_:)
and ask(messages:)
methods. These take care of turning the arguments into a request as well as parsing the response. All you get is the answer as a simple string, which is often all that's needed.
import ChatGPTfunc askChatGPT() async throws { let chatGPT = ChatGPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", defaultModel: .gpt3) // Basic query let firstResponse = try await chatGPT.ask("What is the answer to life, the universe and everything in it?") print(firstResponse) // Send multiple messages let secondResponse = try await chatGPT.ask( messages: [ ChatMessage(role: .system, content: "You are a dog."), ChatMessage(role: .user, content: "Do you actually like playing fetch?") ], model: .gpt3.stableVersion() // Override default model, if needed ) print(secondResponse)}
However, if you need full control, you can also pass a ChatRequest
to the ask(request:)
method. With this, you can adjust all parameters and have access to the full response object, while everything is still fully type-safe.
import ChatGPTfunc askChatGPT() async throws { let chatGPT = ChatGPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", defaultModel: .gpt3) let fullRequest = ChatRequest.gpt3 { request in request.messages = [ .init(role: .system, content: "You are the pilot of an alien UFO. Be creative."), .init(role: .user, content: "Where do you come from?") ] request.temperature = 0.8 request.numberOfAnswers = 2 } let response = try await chatGPT.ask(request: fullRequest) print(response.choices.map(\.message))}
Finally, all of the above methods have a variant that lets you stream GPT's answer token by token, right as they are generated. The stream is provided via an AsyncThrowingStream
. All you have to do is add a streamedAnswer
before the call to ask()
. For example:
import ChatGPT// In your view model@Published var gptAnswer = ""func askChatGPT() async throws { let chatGPT = ChatGPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY") gptAnswer = "" for try await nextWord in try await chatGPT.streamedAnswer.ask("Tell me a funny story about birds") { gptAnswer += nextWord }}
For more information about the ChatGPT API, you can look at OpenAI's documentation:
Like ChatGPT
is a wrapper around the completion API. There is a basic complete(_:)
method for convenient use, as well as a complete(request:)
method that gives you full control.
import GPTfunc askGPT() async throws { let gpt = GPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", defaultModel: .davinci) let response = try await gpt.complete("What is the answer to life, the universe and everything in it?") print(response)}
import GPTfunc askGPT() async throws { let gpt = GPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", defaultModel: .davinci) let fullRequest = CompletionRequest.davinci(prompt: "Why is the sky blue?") { request in request.temperature = 0.8 request.numberOfAnswers = 2 } let response = try await gpt.complete(request: fullRequest) print(response.choices.map(\.text))}
Additionally, just like ChatGPT
also supports streaming answers:
import GPT// In your view model@Published var gptAnswer = ""func askGPT() async throws { let gpt = GPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY") gptAnswer = "" for try await nextWord in try await gpt.streamedAnswer.complete("Tell me a funny story about birds") { gptAnswer += nextWord }}
Finally, you can access the available models through the OpenAI
import OpenAIfunc openAI() async throws { let openAI = OpenAI(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY") let models = try await openAI.availableModels() let model = try await openAI.model(withId: "gpt-3.5-turbo")}
Sometimes, it might be useful to see the generated requests, so all three classes introduced above come with methods that generate a usable cURL
prompt from a request that you can simply paste into a terminal. For example:
import ChatGPTfunc askChatGPT() async throws { let chatGPT = ChatGPT(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY", defaultModel: .gpt3) let request = ChatRequest.gpt3 { request in request.messages = [ .init(role: .system, content: "You are the pilot of an alien UFO. Be creative."), .init(role: .user, content: "Where do you come from?") ] request.numberOfAnswers = 2 } try await print(chatGPT.curl(for: request))}
This generates the following:
curl --request POST \--url 'https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY' \--data '{"messages":[{"content":"You are the pilot of an alien UFO. Be creative.","role":"system"},{"content":"Where do you come from?","role":"user"}],"model":"gpt-3.5-turbo","n":2,"stream":false}' | json_pp
I hope you find this framework useful and fun to work with. It's supposed to make working with OpenAI's API as easy and convenient as possible.